Thursday, February 11, 2010


Well, here it is February and we are well into the year 2010. President Obama has been in office for one year and it seems that the year was consumed by Health Care reform and to no avail. Somewhere along the way Obama and his team seemed to forget about the economy: unemployment, the mortgage mess and the national debt. They did however make sure that the big banks and of course AIG were saved. And all the executives who screwed up have been rewarded for their efforts; but we don't call these payments bonuses we now refer to them as retention rewards. It seems that it is important to retain the buffoons who created the problems.

Throughout his first year in office the President has been advised by a team of experts that at times look like stand-ins for the Three Stooges and at other times rival the Keystone Cops. The cast of characters includes (but is not limited to) the arrogant tax cheat, Tim Geithner, who got his start running the Federal Bank of New York and is now Secretary of the Treasury. Next, we have VP Joe Biden who doesn't understand the old saying "that loose lips sink ships". Then there is Nancy Pelosi who has perfected the art of speaking out of both sides of her mouth. And let's not forget US Attorney General Eric Holder. Here is a man who has called his fellow Americans cowards and seems to despise both the country and people he serves. Finally, there is Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano who has proven herself to be totally unqualified for this position. Remember after the Arab-Islamic Terrorist almost blew up the Detroit bound jet, her response was "the system worked".

I am old enough to remember the Presidency of John Kennedy. What was truly remarkable about President Kennedy was that he surrounded himself and appointed really brilliant, intelligent and honorable people. Looking at the cast of characters surrounding President Obama this no longer seems to be the case. We are stuck with Biden and Pelosi because they were elected; but we deserve better that the likes of Geithner, Napolitano and Holder. In the next three years President Obama will more than likely be called upon to make appointments to the U.S. Supreme Court. One can only hope that the individuals he selects are not in the same league as the individuals that now surround him. Supreme Court justices are appointed for life. Let the good times roll...