Saturday, December 3, 2011

Where Have You Gone Joe DiMaggio ?

Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio,
Our nation turns it's lonely eyes to you.
What's that you say, Mrs. Robinson.
Jolting Joe has left and gone away,
Hey hey hey.

Simon and Garfunkel provided the song "Mrs. Robinson" for the 1967 movie The Graduate. Both the movie and the song were immediate hits then and remain popular today. Supposedly Joe DiMaggio was somewhat displeased by his name being included in the lyrics ;but after it was explained that it was not an insult but a compliment, he was satisfied. I think of the song's lyrics today because as I view our current cast of presidential hopefuls, elected congress men and women, senators and various Obama staffers and appointees I too wonder where have all the Joe DiMaggio's gone?

When one considers that the office of President was once held by men like Franklin D. Roosevelt for four terms as he kept this county together during World War II, it is unbelievable to realize that Gov. Rick Perry is a serious candidate. Harry Truman followed Roosevelt and then came Dwight D. Eisenhower, who was the supreme allied commander of WWII, and now we have the likes of Newt the grump & Mitt the flip flopper. John Kennedy may have had his personal flaws but at least he surrounded himself with the best and the brightest this country had to offer. Barrack Obama having promised  and offered so much hope has surrounded himself with far too many that caused our current problems or have done little to solve the problems. What has Atty. General Eric Holder done since becoming Atty. General? Why do we have the likes of Timothy Geithner as Secretary of the Treasury? One of the best and the brightest in the Obama camp was Elizabeth Warren and she was given walking papers at the behest of Geithner.

We have a year to go and our national government is in a state of grid lock. We are still wasting lives and money in the Bush/Cheney/ Rumsfeld mid-east wars. The GOP is protecting their elite job creators who have created jobs overseas at the expense of American workers. Main Street has been ignored because Wall Street and the Big Banks were too big to fail. Unemployment is still too high, foreclosures continue and our national debt is on auto pilot. With so many Republicans having pledged allegiance to Grover Norquist and having turned their backs on doing what is good for the country it is going to be a difficult 2012.  
It seems at this time that Joltin' Joe has truly left and gone away. Joe DiMaggio was described by many as a man of grace, pride, dignity and having class. A classy person would probably be discreet, honest and reliable. We would also expect a classy person to be sincere, respectful and trustworthy. No doubt President Obama is a person of class as he displays many of these qualities. Unfortunately for many Republicans it is difficult for them to accept a multi-racial, intelligent Democrat as President even if he displays these qualities. Their stated goal since Obama took office is to see that Obama is a one term president regardless of the collateral damage done to this country and its citizens.

If you happen to watch any of the remaining Republican debates think of Joe DiMaggio as you watch and listen to these Republican hopefuls. Like Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy who were all men of grace, pride, dignity and class try to fit the GOP candidates into this mold. Collectively they are a losing team and individually most lack the qualities one would hope to see in a president. It is remarkable that Michele Bachman sits on the Congressional Intelligence Committee. Yes, you read that correctly. She is a member of the Intelligence Committee. The long serving Governor of Texas, Rick Perry, doesn't know the voting age is eighteen.

If Obama wasn't seeking a second term I don't know who the Democrats would put forth. It seems that rather than raising the  qualifications bar for presidential candidates we have lowered it. We deserve better, we should expect better and we most definitely are in need of better candidates.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


It has been a most interesting month watching and listening to the Republican hopefuls. One has to wonder whom these candidates actually represent and whom they attract. There was Michele Bachmann at Graceland exhorting the crowd to wish Elvis a Happy Birthday. Apparently her staff failed to tell her it was not his birthday but the anniversary of his death. What the hell ... just a small detail. Then there was Mitt Romney telling the crowd that "corporations are people too". Wow, were they ever impressed. To this dysfunctional duo we add Texas Governor Rick Perry who in quick order wants to lynch the Federal Reserve Chairman, questioned our military's level of respect for President Obama, doesn't believe in climate change, is proud of the fact that Texas teaches both evolution and creationism and has previously suggested that Texas secede from the union.  Now that is quite a campaign platform! Apparently Republican movers and shakers are concerned and alarmed at Perry's cowboy approach to campaigning.

While the Republicans talk and debate the Democrats are resting after rolling over and giving into Tea Party inspired demands to raise the debt ceiling with spending cuts but no increase or adjustment in revenue. The job creators (wealthiest Americans) must be protected.  Leading Democrats have been conspicuously silent with the exception of the President who continues speaking to Americans as if he were in a Harvard lecture hall.  In my opinion the most politically forceful thing he has done of late was putting Donald Trump in his place at a press club dinner. President Obama was on the attack then and "The Donald" was visibly annoyed. If Obama soon doesn't begin to act like Truman, lead like FDR and put more Republicans in their place he may not have a second term.

Hopefully when everyone returns to Washington the President and the Democrats will understand and accept the fact that the new radicalized Republicans are not interested in negotiating or compromising. Bipartisanship and balance is not part of their current philosophy. Their main goal is to destroy Obama  at all costs and if that means taking the country down to accomplish this goal then so be it. To the Republicans and their Tea Party radicals the end justifies the means. Understanding that the Republican Party of today is not the GOP of the past may clear the air for those Democrats who still think that the two sides can work together. Remember most Republicans, in spite of their oath of office, have signed Grover Norquist's pledge not to raise taxes. Their minds cannot be confused with facts as they have already made up their minds.

The other night I caught the tail end of the movie The American President  with Michael Douglas. You can see a clip of the speech he gave towards the end of the movie or read the script at this site: . Anyway, it is the kind of speech I wish President Obama would give. I have taken the liberty to edit and rewrite the movie speech to reflect how I would like our President to deliver it. 


Since I took office the Republicans have suggested that it would be best if I were a one term President. And although I've not been willing to engage in their attacks on me, I have been here three years, and I can tell you without hesitation that I intend to be President for a second term.
I've known Republicans for years. And I've been operating under the assumption that the reason the GOP devotes so much time and energy to shouting at the rain was that they simply didn't get it. Well, I was wrong. the GOP's problem isn't that they don't get it. The Republican's problem is that they can't sell it! The GOP has been radicalized by the simplistic ideology of the so called Tea Party and they now view debate, negotiation and compromise as counterproductive. It is their way or the highway.
We have serious problems to solve, and we need serious people to solve them. And whatever your particular problem is, I promise you the Tea Party is not the least bit interested in solving it. They are interested in two things, and two things only: making you afraid of it, and telling you who's to blame for it ... and that would be me. That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you win elections. You gather a group of middle age, middle class, middle income voters who remember with longing an easier time, and you talk to them about family, and American values and character, and you scream about taxes, spending, the Federal debt and jobs. You tell them the government is to blame for their lot in life. And you go on television and you point the finger of blame at federal and state workers, social security recipients and those on Medicare.
The Middle Class is not the problem. They have done nothing but put their children through school, work hard and pay their taxes, and expected more from their government and elected representatives than they now receive. For years they have endured the burden of an unfair tax system. Many have lost their jobs and many more have lost their homes. It is no longer the America of their parents and they do not want this America for their children.
Next month the White House is sending a bill to Congress for its consideration. It's a Jobs and Employment bill structured to reduce unemployment by 50%  over the next four years. It is by far the most aggressive stride ever taken in the fight to reverse the effects of our current economic situation. The other piece of legislation is a budget proposal that would restructure the tax code to eliminate credits and loop holes for companies who earn billions and currently pay no federal taxes at all. It would also create tax levels more in line with the times and more balanced in their application. The wealthy will begin to pay their fair share.
We've got serious problems, and we need serious people. And if you want to talk about solutions, then the Republicans  better come at me with more than Tea Party slogans and empty promises and false statements. If you want to talk about taxes, spending, the Federal debt and jobs, fine. Just tell me where and when, and I'll show up. This a time for serious people,  and the Tea Party's time is up. My name is Barack Obama and I am the President !

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Summer Musings 2011


In an embargoed TIME magazine interview in 2004 former President Ford, in addition to voicing his disapproval of the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld decision to invade Iraq, stated: "And I just don't think we should go hellfire damnation around the globe freeing people, unless it is directly related to our national security." Recent and continuing events make it crystal clear that we do not have an ally in Pakistan and that our nation building in Iraq and Afghanistan has been dismal and costly failures. Saddam and Bin Laden are dead, so lets get the hell out. These absurd military operations in the mid east are not only killing our young soldiers but killing our economy. Obama needs to honor his 2008 campaign promise and bring the troops home. We are accomplishing nothing with our continued military presence in these countries.


It used to be we could look at our government to solve problems, not create and be the problem. The recent passing of former first lady Betty Ford reminded me of what the G.O.P used to be -- a party of intelligent, reasonable and patriotic people who could work with the other side of the aisle when the country was in trouble. Those days are apparently gone. House Republicans have one master and that is the simplistic and irresponsible demands of the Tea Party.The current cast of Republican presidential hopefuls is a constant reminder of just how lacking in experience, character, intelligence and honesty this group of presidential wannabes really is. They are ignorant of American History, have demonstrated poor performance in their current positions and consistently lie about what they have previously said and done.

Bob Schieffer, in his closing remarks the other day on  Meet the Press, commented that campaigning is now so costly that those who have been elected and those that seek election now spend far too much time fund raising. In this time consuming process of fund raising candidates make far too many promises and cut far too many deals with influential groups. Once in office their promises, pledges and deals render  them ineffectual and unable to do the job for which they were elected.  As our elected representatives they need to engage in thoughtful discourse, negotiate and compromise to get results. Being bought and paid for by groups like the Tea Party and having signed pledges to state that their minds will not be swayed by thoughtful debate, negotiations and compromise has brought the legislative process to a standstill. Additionally, the current political climate discourages the best from participating and has allowed the muck from the bottom of the barrel to float to the top and take center stage. We have a problem !


While our son, Devin, was visiting over the 4th of July weekend,  we attended a Mariner's baseball game.  We took the ferry to Seattle and enjoyed a seafood dinner at Ivar's Restaurant and then a short cab ride to the stadium. It has probably been 20 years since I sat in a stadium and watched a baseball game. I have "fond" memories of being in Candlestick Park for a night game that went into extra innings. There was nothing like sitting in the "Stick" watching the fog roll in and trying to stave off frostbite. So with these memories I reluctantly agreed to attend the Seattle Mariners and the San Diego Padres game. My wife, Mary Lynn,  obtained excellent seats for us somewhat behind  home plate and a bit up the third base line. We were close to the action, if there is such a thing as action in a three up, three down contest. For some reason we were treated to seeing former San Francisco 49er quarterback, Joe Montana, throw out the first pitch. He still has a good arm. Seeing Joe was probably the highlight of this game.

Baseball has changed in twenty years. As I sat and watched the on field play I also observed the crowd. All during the game a significant number of fans were on the move. They were constantly up and down the aisles and walking the surrounding concourses. There was a gentleman to my left who spent the first five innings reading the Seattle Times. Countless other fans were lost in the void of their Droids texting, e-mailing, tweeting and I suppose playing games rather than watching the live game. Devin got us three premium beers and they were a hefty $9.75 each !! Glad we were not hungry.

It was a fast game that could have been completed ever faster had it not been for the need to bring on the grounds crew between innings to rake and tidy up the field. At other times we were treated to video inspired games, quizzes and contests on the scoreboard. While the traditional 7th inning stretch is still observed we now have numerous minor stretches that cause a break in the "action" of the game.  An old friend once offered that a baseball game would be infinitely more exciting if the game did away with the shortstop and one outfielder. He may have a point. This 7:10 PM contest was over at 9:30 PM. The Mariners lost one to nothing to the Padres.  We decided to walk back to the ferry terminal in the twilight.

Turning 65

This milestone birthday has been reached. My Medicare card is now in place as is supplemental insurance with Calpers Choice. I have been collecting Social Security since I turned 62; but with a 66% off set or reduction in monthly benefits because as everyone knows teachers already have it made and are not allowed full monthly benefits even if they paid into Social Security. I have so far resisted joining AARP because they seem to be totally focused on getting seniors to sign up for their AARP endorsed supplemental health care coverage. Upon doing some checking AARP (as a non-profit) stands to make one billion dollars off this endorsement over the next ten years. It seems they are actually a for profit insurance company hiding behind the cloak of an association allegedly representing the interests of retired people. I will continue to hold off on joining AARP until their true purpose and identity is clarified. There is also a congressional inquiry under way.


I used to enjoy watching and listening to the news and commentary on both CNN and MSNBC and occasionally I check out FOX to verify that I am correct in avoiding this channel. I really don't care for reality based entertainment programs and FOX news falls into this category. Unfortunately, both CNN and MSNBC seem to be following the FOX model. Disgraced former New York Governor, Eliot Spitzer,  is no longer with CNN; but MSNBC has seen fit to hire that vulgar Baptist preacher, Al Sharpton. CNN now considers the Anderson Cooper "show" its flagship news program. More than likely the Rev. Jesse Jackson is  probably waiting for a phone call from CNN as CNN's model is now for "shows" as opposed to news reporting.  Amid the shouting, bombast and interviews with all participants talking at the same time there remains the sanity of Rachel Maddow and Andrea Mitchell.

I realize that the days of Walter Cronkite and Huntley and Brinkley, with their solid no nonsense news reporting, are long gone; but does news reporting need to follow an entertainment model? I just ordered the New York Times Sunday paper to compensate for the crap being broadcast now as news. I really am getting old.


Michael Vick, convicted felon and prodigal son of the NFL, now has an endorsement contract with NIKE. Apparently NIKE is willing to forgive and forget his horrendous behavior staging dog fights. Like so many bad boys he probably found god or an excellent publicist and is now reshaping his image (and lining his pockets) as a spokesperson against animal cruelty. I can hardly wait to see the first NIKE commercial featuring Vick in cross trainers walking a pit bull. Any chance we will see Casey Anthony in a Christmas Toys-R-Us commercial?


Not much to say at this time. However; we all know that the 2011 school year will require schools to do more with less funding. College and University tuitions are rising. Teachers continue to be scapegoated for the all the ills of an educational system that is philosophically, ideologically and economically bankrupt. Secretary of Education, Arnie Duncan, is scrambling to deal with the 2014 proficiency deadline. This is the year that the brain trust behind No Child Left Behind has designated when 100%, yes, you read that number correctly, 100% of U.S. students will be proficient in math and english. Any school that does not meet this 100% performance standard will be identified and labeled a "failure" and subject to restructuring. This is going to be quite a train wreck. OK, I did have something to say and I will have more to say in the Fall when schools reopen.


On Tuesday, July 26th.  Mick Jagger celebrates his 68th birthday. In 1969 at the age of 26  Jagger told a reporter, "I can’t do this forever. We can’t keep going on. I mean, we’re so old." Yeah, right. When is the next tour? In 1965 I remember listening to Satisfaction  in my black 1960 VW bug ... that was 46 years ago. The Stones are still the world's greatest rock 'n roll band ever and I still enjoy listening to Satisfaction in my Jeep. Yes, they are old guys. Mick will be 68, Keith Richards (although he looks dead) is 68, Bill Wyman (who retired from the band in 1992) is 70, Charlie Watts is 70 and Ron Wood is the youngest at 64. Since 1989 the Stones have earned over 2 billion dollars. Their last tour earned 500 million. They have earned more money with their music and tours than any other band or music entertainer ... bar none. The Stones definitely prove that  ... Old Guys Rule !!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Next Friday, April 22nd., is Earth Day.  It is a day for us to consider our environment and the effect each of us has on our environment.  You may remember that Earth Day was first celebrated on April 22, 1970. Its goal was (and still is) to promote a healthy environment and a peaceful world. Considering the Middle East wars, the BP oil debacle and the nuclear mess in Japan we are not doing well.  Forty-one years ago on April 22, 1970 I was working for the Maryland Department of Juvenile Services as a Special Education Teacher at the Maryland Training School for Boys. The "boys" were predominately inner city teenagers one offense away from the adult criminal justice system. School was not a particularly high priority in their lives and the challenge was to get the them engaged and keep them engaged with the limited resources available in the training school environment. My challenge was very similar to what most teachers face every day in this country's public school classrooms.

The Maryland Training School for Boys was located in a beautiful rural area of Baltimore County known as Cub Hill. With its Spanish style architecture and well kept lawns it gave the appearance of a very exclusive private school. It was the appearance of the students who quickly dispelled that first impression. As soon as one saw the predominately young black men all dressed in ill fitting, army surplus WWII wool uniforms you immediately knew that this was not a college prep school.

Whereas most of the staff appreciated and enjoyed the rural setting, the inner city boys were out of their element and some were absolutely terrified of the surrounding forests and woodlands. They truly believed there might be lions and tigers and bears lurking. This fear of the unfamiliar made the need of perimeter security fencing unnecessary as the boys would never think of running or going AWOL into those unfamiliar and scary surroundings. As a teacher I wanted to have my students participate in this first Earth Day; but realized that I would be limited by a host of circumstances. However; like others on the school's staff; that is,  being young, somewhat of a maverick and usually thinking and acting outside the box I had an idea -- we would make and fly kites in the great outdoors and celebrate Earth Day !

Purchasing wooden hobby sticks, newspaper, kite string and glue the boys began making their kites. Most had never flown, to say nothing of actually making a kite. There was initial disappointment in that the Elmer's glue was not the kind of glue they could sniff and get high; but making kites was a break from the routine. Eventually the kites were made and we were ready for Earth Day. Unfortunately, I did not clear or even think I had to clear this activity with administration. Big mistake.

April 22, 1970 turned out to be a beautiful, bright sunny day with a slight breeze. It was to be a perfect day for kite flying. To my surprise the boys were actually quite excited about flying their kites and after a brief lesson (remember, I was a teacher) on the art of launching and flying a kite we headed outside. Within minutes there were about twenty boys running around the grounds, some successful and others unsuccessful in launching their kites.  It was a remarkable site. However; the  office staff and others around the campus only saw boys running .... running away? Alarm and concern spread. The Superintendent was notified. My principal and Vice-Principal were alerted. Security was called. Once all the concerned adults saw the kites and realized that this was not The Great Escape, smiles reluctantly  appeared.  Later that day I was cautioned to channel my energies and the boys' into more classroom appropriate activities. Not everyone understood the concept of a creative activity.

Today like many other communities Bainbridge Island celebrates Earth Day and focuses its attention on conservation, sustainability, energy efficiency and reducing its carbon footprint -- all laudable goals. Forty-one years ago I just wanted some inner city kids to have some fun and leave their footprints on the well tended lawns while flying their kites. On that first Earth Day those inner city delinquent boys had a healthy and peaceful experience as the ran with their kites enjoying the cool breeze, soft green grass and bright sunshine. There were no lions and tiger and bears and there was no Great Escape ... just healthy fun.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


A new breed of  elected Republicans have taken office and they have begun a crusade to further line the pockets of the wealthy at the expense of the middle class. Whereas Wall Street and many of the Big Banks  caused the current financial mess we now experience,  the middle class is not only forgotten when it comes to assistance but is being blamed for causing the mess. Public employees and especially teachers are the scapegoats. I am not familiar with the financial pension and pay arrangements in place in all 50 states; but in California and specifically the Fremont Unified School District where I taught for 35 years I am knowledgeable.

While teaching for the FUSD I paid 100% of my medical and dental insurance in addition to my monthly contribution to the California State Teachers Retirement System. The specifics: in addition to the usual deductions for federal and state taxes I also made monthly deductions of $108 for Medicare, $690 to Calstrs for retirement, $92 for dental insurance and $1066 for health insurance. The Calstrs retirement portfolio continues to be financially healthy because all parties continue to make their agreed upon contributions: employees 8%, school districts 8.25% and the state of California 2.017%.  Reports indicate that this shared retirement contribution plan is not the norm in all states. Furthermore, some states in teacher attack mode have not been making their agreed upon contributions to their state's teacher retirement system resulting in funding difficulties. Additionally, as a contributor to  social security for employment outside of education I was entitled upon retirement at age 62 to a monthly social security payment of approximately $1065. However; California like many states does not allow teachers to "double dip" , so my social security benefit payment was reduced by 66% (the offset) resulting in a monthly check of $355 ... not $1065.

As a career teacher I made sure I was fully credentialed, had the necessary degrees (BA & M.Ed.)  and the necessary post graduate units to be at the top of the pay scale for each year I worked. Obviously, salaries were higher in the private sector; but I enjoyed teaching and liked the job security that teaching offered. In addition to competency in my subject areas the ability to deal with 150+ 8th graders from various socio-economic and ethnic backgrounds was not every one's cup of tea. Having paid my dues both literally and figuratively I now enjoy a comfortable retirement.

The states that are now blaming public employees, especially teachers, for their current economic difficulties are in this economic mess for a host of complex reasons; but have chosen to go after a segment of the middle class in an attempt to get out of the red. As the facts and motives become more transparent it is obvious that this is a Republican strategy to go after selected unions that traditionally support the Democrats. The budget problems although real were only a means to the end the Republicans desire ... busting the unions and ending collective bargaining.

Just a few months ago various groups and individuals lamenting the state of U.S. education were calling for better pay for teachers, the immediate need to hire more teachers as baby boomers continue to retire and the absolute necessity of improving the overall quality of education for all students. Now a few newly elected Republicans with twisted personal and party agendas have chosen to ignore these warnings and want to cut teacher pay and probably cause many to think twice about teaching as a career. Now that education has become even more politicized it will become  even more dysfunctional, further damaged and a dismal failure for far too many students.

Parents, students, teachers and  American taxpayers deserve so much more from their schools and especially  from the their elected officials who control the funding.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Enough Is Enough

To be called a "sucker" is a rather derogatory label. The classic definition of a sucker is a "person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of". The associated synonyms are even more descriptive: "chump, fool, mark, fall guy, schlemiel, soft touch and mug." Why do I bring this up? Recent news and info about our economy indicate that this writer and probably the few who by chance read this Blog are "suckers". We pay our bills, pay our taxes, handle our debts and are basically financially responsible. However; there is an ever increasing group of people who do not share these characteristics or values. These folks do not pay their bills, do not pay their taxes and ignore their debts. Add to this scenario our elected officials who continue to be free and easy with our money and what we have is the financial mess in which we now find ourselves.

A recent media investigation discovered that in the city of Seattle unpaid parking tickets amount to a whopping $54 million dollars and Seattle like many other cities is dealing with severe budget shortfalls. California's Franchise Tax Board lists the top 250 delinquent personal and corporate taxpayers and these 250 account for over $130 million in taxes owed. Unfortunately, these shortfalls will be met by the  usual solutions -- increased fees along with service cuts. The systems in place to process and deal with these dead beats is virtually ineffectual. Rather than continually penalize those of us who meet our financial obligations maybe it is time to aggressively go after the dead beats. A perfunctory review of the internet shows numerous individuals who flaunt their extravagant lifestyles and yet have considerable tax debt. Some of those who owe thousands in unpaid parking tickets state they have no intention of paying the fines because there is nothing Seattle officials can do to collect the money.

On a larger scale it is reported that Egypt's Hosni Mubarak has a personal net worth of around $70 billion dollars. Egypt is one of two countries that receive the largest slice of this country's foreign aid hand outs (Israel being the other) and it looks like Mubarak has done quite well over the last 30 years. When one considers some of the clowns, crooks and characters this country has financially supported with our foreign aid dollars one can only imagine the billions of dollars now stashed in Swiss bank accounts. As Seattle officials shake their heads in disbelief over $54 million in unpaid parking tickets and California's Franchise Tax Board waits for its 250 dead beats to pay up, the rest of us suckers endure and tolerate closed state offices, reduced public services along with ever increasing fees, taxes and assessments.

The middle class in this country continues to carry a heavy financial burden. Consider the fact that a college education is now so expensive that the total student loan debt is larger than the total consumer credit debit in the United States. Over one trillion of our federal tax dollars have been pissed away in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2001. We have bailed out Wall street and the Big Banks only to see the ranks of the unemployed reach record highs and foreclosures escalate while the corporate elite continue to rake in lucrative bonuses.  Back in the 40's there was a movement called America First. It is time for a variation of this movement which  today could be called Americans First.

It should be fairly obvious to anyone with a pulse that we are in this current economic mess for several easily recognizable reasons and solutions are attainable:
  • we have far too many members of congress and the senate who have placed their personal and party agenda above that of the country's agenda. The result is a kind of legislative grid lock.
  • our continued expenditures on the mid-east wars is adversely effecting our economy ---one and quarter billion dollars spent to date and still climbing.
  • tax dollars that have been collected must be better spent; that is, in America for Americans.
  • past and present student loan rates must be immediately reduced  to 3%and frozen at that level.
  • Foreclosures must be immediately halted and banks required t o re-set mortgage interest rates that will allow people to remain in their homes
  • immediate moratorium on all foreign aid pending re-evaluation on actual need and how aid was spent.
  • aggressive collection of all unpaid stat e and federal taxes as well as unpaid fines and assessments on local, state and federal level.
  • immediately spread the burden of applicable sales taxes to include on line or internet sales.    
The solution is not cuts in Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and the relentless attack on the middle class and main street. The middle class has carried more than its share in this economic mess. If more revenue is needed and less needs to be spent the options have been clearly identified above. Enough is enough.