Barack Obama and a majority of Democrats were elected to office because many Americans were dissatisfied with what was done and not done during the Bush/Cheney years. The level of dissatisfaction was so great that the Democrats not only won the White House; but took control of both Houses of Congress. Unfortunately, having been given this opportunity to affect change the Democrats seem to have fumbled the ball on far too many occasions. We will soon have mid-term November elections and the Democrats are on the ropes facing the possibility of losing control of both the House of Representatives and the Senate. What went wrong?
Well, no doubt Mr. Obama assumed the Presidency just after this country hit a financial and economic iceberg of gigantic proportions. We were still engaged in unpopular and seemingly pointless wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan and there was an overall optimistic attitude that positive changes were soon to take place. Unfortunately as time passed it became apparent that we were dealing with the same crap but different flies. The economy got worse as Americans lost their jobs, homes were foreclosed and major financial institutions collapsed. We did get health care reform; but to the many without jobs and those about to lose their homes health care reform was a poor consolation prize.
Believing that we would soon extract ourselves from the unfortunate and costly mess in Iraq and Afghanistan it became apparent that not only were we not getting out of these wars; but we would be increasing our level of involvement. To add salt to Americans' wounds we saw the same financial institutions that were the catalyst for our economic catastrophe receive billions of dollars in tax payer bailout money because they were "too big to fail". On the other hand the hundreds of thousands of Americans who lost their jobs and their homes in foreclosure were apparently too small to save.
The cast of characters in this gut wrenching tragic comedy was even more annoying. We were treated to the arrogance and contempt of Attorney General Eric Holder and former Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson, the confusing rationale of alleged economic genius and the new Secretary of the Treasury, Timothy Geithner, the obvious incompetence of patently unqualified Janet Napolitano and the verbal gaffes of Vice President and occasional buffoon Joe Biden. As usual the Democrats displayed their uncanny ability to grab failure and defeat from hands of success.
Now we are dealing with the semi-intelligent ramblings of John McCain's gift to political theatre, Sarah Palin, and a cast of characters that include off the wall Glen Beck, the well tanned John Boehner, the sometimes out to lunch Nancy Pelosi and of course the intellectual lectures of President Obama himself. All that is missing are delusional comments of a court jester like Rod Blagojevich. Is it any wonder that Americans are turning their backs on the incompetent antics of both the Democrats and the Republicans? Is anyone surprised that the simplicity of the Tea Party is so appealing to so many?
Many elected Democrats and Republicans are more loyal to the color blue or red of their respective party than to the colors red, white and blue of all Americans. These elected politicians ignore the concepts of compromise, mediation and moderation. Their working attitude has been and continues to be their way or the highway. As a result we are in a state of gridlock with little getting done. Consequently many Americans will opt to clean house and throw the bums out. Unfortunately neither the Democrats nor the Republicans have many alternative candidates of substance, experience and intelligence to offer to the voting public. Americans are caught between a rock and a hard spot.
No doubt when Americans vote in November many Democrats and Republicans will experience the disapproval of Americans as they are voted out of office. It is unclear as to whether the Republicans will actually take control of both Houses; but it is clear that the Democrats will no longer be in control, if they ever indeed were in charge. After November the only question that remains will be whether or not Barack Obama will be elected to a second term.