Monday, January 5, 2009


Most of us are probably quite happy to see 2008 end; but remain apprehensive about how events will unfold in 2009. I continue to read statements from school administrators who enthusiastically proclaim that all high school seniors will not only graduate; but be academically ready for college. Unfortunately, this one tract fits all approach will fail. It may come as a big surprise to the “suits” in the administrative offices; but some students are not interested in college, will not be college bound and have other educational or career paths to follow. Are these students left behind or are they just taking a different path?

Thankfully the 2008 presidential campaign is over and the days of “Dubyah” are drawing to a close. Has there ever been a president who has done more damage to this country both at home and abroad than GWB? One can only hope that President elect Obama will have the cooperation of congress as he tries to put things right. I would hope that for both Democrats and Republicans the word bipartisan actually becomes a focus point and not just a media buzz word.

Of the four senate seats up for grabs it will be interesting to see if Al Franken wins in Minnesota, whether Caroline or Bill gets Hillary’s New York seat, whether the sleaze bag Governor of Illinois gets his way and who will take Joe Biden’s seat. I suggest watching Saturday Night Live which is not as entertaining as Anderson Cooper; but much more objective.

Baggage from the past that I would like to lose and possibly never hear about again, in no specific order: mid-east crisis, Hammas, The Bail Out Plan, Executive Compensation, bank foreclosures, the Oakland Raiders, the Surge, winning the Iraq war, anything about professional basketball, TV drug & medication commercials, mighty putty & Billy Mays, AIG, and San Francisco’s mighty mouth mayor, Gavin Newsom.

I hope this message finds anyone who is reading it happy, healthy and well. For a truly entertaining view of the events of 2008 visit:

and let Uncle Jay set things straight.